Health benefits of drinking milk

Whether to drink milk or not is a common question that always arises in everybody’s mind. But still, milk is one of the largest consumed beverage everywhere. But how many of us know the benefits of milk? 

We hear from one another about the benefits of drinking milk but the actual benefits that are found in research include:

* The major content of milk is huge amounts of calcium, which we rarely get in any other foods. We all know that calcium is needed for good strong growth of bones, hair and nails and it's very vital in avoiding blood clotting. 

* Approximately half a litre of milk daily will provide all the calcium needed for the body.

* The most important constituent of milk is phosphorus which is needed for tissue growth and regulation of pH levels in the body.

* Another major component of milk is iodine which is necessary for the formation of hormones like thyroxine. 

* According to research 1 glass of milk provides 96% needs of iodine in a child.

* Milk includes potassium, which is most important for maintaining fluid balance in the body.

And finally, a word for the people who have a problem digesting milk: Drinking cold milk rather than hot milk may reduce any digestion issues. 

So, there are a few facts about the benefits of drinking milk! And if you have fat constraints in yoyur mind, then skimmed milk - or even dairy alternatives - is readily available so you can go ahead and enjoy a glass without hesitation.